Remuneration policy
The remuneration policy is a strategic element of Mirova's policy. As a tool for mobilizing and engaging employees, it ensures to be competitive and attractive in the light of market practices and within the framework of strict compliance with major financial balances and regulations. Mirova's remuneration policy, which applies to all employees, incorporates the alignment of the interests of employees with those of investors in its fundamental principles:
- It is consistent and promotes sound and effective risk management and does not encourage risk-taking that would be incompatible with risk profiles, regulations or documents constituting managed products.
- It is consistent with the business strategy, objectives, values and interests of the management company and the products it manages and those of investors and includes measures to avoid conflicts of interest.
The remuneration policy includes all components of remuneration encompassing fixed remuneration and, if applicable, variable remuneration.

Regulatory Information